1. Akee traders offers an online platform for demo trading evaluations, providing clients with the chance to showcase their trading abilities without any financial risks involved, apart from the initial fee for the assessment. Successful candidates can then access a simulated payout based on the profits generated in their Simulated Funded Account, as long as they adhere to our Terms of Use and Customer Agreement. 2. Our team at Akee traders is dedicated to empowering retail traders by offering them the opportunity to earn simulated capital through their dedication and performance in the trading world. We are active on social media platforms like Youtube and Instagram, where we share daily trading insights and demonstrate our unwavering passion for this industry. 3. Join our vibrant community on Discord to stay informed about the latest updates and be a part of the collective success that we have fostered together. Remember, a payout signifies that you will receive compensation based on the data derived from simulated profits.